Live Support
Speak to our technical support engineers on the live chat. Live chat is available from 9am to 6 pm Monday to Friday, Indian Standard Time. Alternatively leave an message for our engineers.

Latest Version
If you have trouble installing, running or using ChequeGuru, there are several options available. ChequeGuru is evolving constantly. Problems are fixed, features are implemented. Please make sure you are using the latest ChequeGuru version.
Read the User Guide
The online user guide, is chock-full of information on the ChequeGuru functionality. Quick guide to set up ChequeGuru, and other features is very useful in setting up and running the application in no time.

Email the support team
We will usually answer your email within 24 hours, but most often within minutes of receiving it, especially if it is something urgent. support@chequeprintingsoftware.com
Help Us Help you
When reporting a problem, please do not forget to tell us what ChequeGuru version you are using and if possible send us the zipped database file {Found under ChequeGuru / database folder}.